FotobusBus Transport

Omsk region, GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) # АМ 689 55

  Omsk regionOther line АМ 689 5512.2004 
ME PP-9 (Omsk city) АЕ 720 5505.200312.2004
ME PATP-2 (Omsk city)528В 808 СМ 5504.200205.2003

  December 2004    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  May 2003    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  April 2002    Renumbered (within the company)

  May 1999    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
626 99-10 ОМЯ LiAZ-677M ME PATP-2 1983
528 В 951 АВ 55 LiAZ-677M ME PATP-2 152448 1986
528 6736 ОММ PAZ-672M Omskoblavtotrans 1986
528 7176 ОММ LiAZ-677M ME PATP-2 152448 1986
626 А 514 ОС 55 LiAZ-677G ME PATP-2 160649 1987
528 Е 185 АА 55 LiAZ-677M ME PATP-2 1990
528 АС 874 55 PAZ-3205 (00) Omskoblavtotrans 3902 1993
528 1965 ОМТ PAZ-3205 (00) Omskoblavtotrans 3902 1993
626 В 365 ВЕ 55 Karosa B732.1654 ME PATP-2 34608 1995
626 АС 388 55 Mercedes-Benz O345 PP-4 224867 1997
528 В 439 ВЕ 55 Mercedes-Benz O345 ME PATP-2 224850 1997
626 В 447 ВЕ 55 Mercedes-Benz O345 PP-4 224867 1997
626 АР 862 55 GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) Muromtsevo OOAT 182713 2000
626 С 886 СЕ 55 PAZ-3205-110 PP-4 2711 2001 По договору
528 С 528 ВА 55 LiAZ-5256.45 PATP-2 14633 2005
528 С 528 ВА 55 LiAZ-5256.45 PATP-2 14633 2005
528 АС 048 55 LiAZ-5256.45 PATP-2 14633 2005
528 У 094 ЕС 55 Luidor-2250DS (GAZ Next) PATP-2 9297 2018
626 У 975 ЕС 55 Luidor-2250DS (GAZ Next) PP-4 9435 2018