FotobusBus Transport

Stavropol region, LAZ-695NG # 172

  Stavropol regionMU PATP, Nevinnomyssk1725121 ССТ08.1987


  August 1987    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
172 75-12 ССН LAZ-695N NPATP 1979
172 3369 ССЛ Ikarus 260.27 ShpakPATP 1983
172 3369 ССЛ Ikarus 260.27 AK 1564 1983
172 СК 692 26 Ikarus 260.50 SRA 868 1990 Не эксплуатировался
172 СА 182 26 Ikarus 260.50 SMUP AK #2 868 1990