FotobusBus Transport

Omsk region, LiAZ-677 # 1431

  Omsk regionInsidiari No. 7143195-05 ОМФ06.1989≈ 1993

  about 1993    Withdrawn

  June 1989    Renumbered (within the company)

  1978    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
1431 34-44 ОМШ LAZ-695N PP-7
1431 В 750 АА 55 Ikarus 260.50 PP-8 54 1995
1343 В 047 ВЕ 55 Mercedes-Benz O345 PP-7 224620 1997
1431 АС 431 55 Mercedes-Benz O345 PP-8 224601 1997
1343 АМ 559 55 PAZ-32053 Isilkul OOAT 9798 2003
1431 АН 665 55 LiAZ-5256.45 PP-8 15331 2006
1343 АХ 208 55 LiAZ-5293.00 PP-8 431 2008
1431 С 325 СО 55 FIAT Ducato 244 CSMMC, -RT PP-8 27975 2011 По договору