FotobusBus Transport

Perm region, MAN 192 SL200 # АС 659 59

  Perm regionTokarev АС 659 5904.20062009 
Perm, other owners of buses АА 914 5910.200304.2006 
  North Rhine-WestphaliaKreis Viersen, other VIE-TW 1752001 Reisebüro Borrmann (Viersen)
Rhein-Sieg Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (RSVG)274SU-HV 27419811995 

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  2009    Withdrawn

204 KB

Perm regionMiscellaneous photos

Perm region, Пермь, территория бывшего 1 автопарка

Monday, June 23, 2014
Author: Туктарев Саша

348 KB

Perm region,  Ikarus 260.50  # АУ 684 59 
Perm regionMiscellaneous photos

Perm region, Пермь, территория бывшего 1 автопарка

Ветераны пермских дорог

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Author: Oleja-kid


  April 2006    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  October 2003    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  1995 — 2001    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  1981    Arrived at the facility

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274 BOR-O 274 MAN 895 NL202 ONV Bocholt ✝︎
274 Mercedes-Benz O305 [Wern] VWS Siegen 19572 1979
274 MG-CH 426 MAN 192 SL200 NEW' MöBus 3977 1981
274 HER-AG 194 Mercedes-Benz O405 Graf's Reisen 64005 1990
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274 GM-OV 274 MAN A21 Lion's City NL280 OVAG 6927 2009
274 AC-L 274 Mercedes-Benz O530LE Citaro facelift LE ASEAG 119152 2010
274 MK-V 274 Mercedes-Benz Citaro C2 MVG Lüdenscheid 2014