FotobusBus Transport

Hungary, MÁVAG Tr5 # 03-32

  HungaryBudapesti Közlekedési Zrt.03-32GA 03-3210.195809.1961
503GF 50305.195010.1958

  September 1961    Withdrawn

  October 1958    Renumbered (within the company)

  May 1950    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
503 BX 503 MÁVAG N26 BKV Zrt. 473 1929
503 Bp 17-503 MÁVAG N26 BKV Zrt. 473 1929
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03-32 GE 03-32 Ikarus 280.00 BKV Zrt. 1445 1977
503 CLH-640 Ikarus 266.25 Balaton Volán 460 1978
503 AKD-503 Ikarus 260.03 MVK Zrt. 2093 1979 Учебный
03-32 BPO-332 Ikarus 260.46 Other pres. buses 59 1989
03-32 BPO-332 Ikarus 260.46 BKV Zrt. 59 1989