FotobusBus Transport

Novosibirsk region, LiAZ-677M # 8212

  Novosibirsk regionMKP PATP-88212ММ 847 5405.200506.2008
MUP PATP-9922503.200505.2005
МУ 121 5409.200403.2005
Х 419 АК 5401.200105.2004
MUP PATP-8823402.200011.2000
8952 НБЦ05.199302.2000

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  June 2008    Withdrawn

  May 2005    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  March 2005    Change of state number (within the company)

  September 2004    Renumbered (within the company)

344 KB

Novosibirsk region, Новосибирск, Вокзальная магистраль
Route 31 (на обеде)

Monday, July 12, 2004
Author: Артюха


  May 2004    Change of state number (within the company)

  January 2001    Renumbered (within the company)

  November 2000    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  February 2000    Change of state number (within the company)

  May 1993    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Scrp.
8212 В 978 ТС 54 LiAZ-677MB PATP-8 1986
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9125 4666 НБТ Ikarus 280.33 PATP-9 5019 1988
9125 9110 НБТ Ikarus 280.33 PATP-9 5019 1988
9125 9208 НБТ Ikarus 260 (280) PATP-9 5019 1988
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8234 ММ 712 54 PAZ-3205 (00) PATU 607 1997 2007
8234 МУ 576 54 MAZ-104.021 PATU 1129 2006 2021
9210 ММ 847 54 LiAZ-677M PATP-9 177382 1990